Maximum 14 Numbers Allowed Minimum 10 Numbers
Maximum 14 numbers allowed Minimum 10 numbers
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Attach relevant approval / classification certificates:
Recommendation required from two active KTM Members:
(You may ensure by contacting the concerned member to approve your recommendation request in their profile)
Select a company name or None
Select a company name or None

I Agree to the KTM Memorandum of Association and rules and regulation of the society.

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Membership Fee
(Accepted only after the approval of the KTM Managing Committee)
Registration Fee
Rs. 10000.00
Annual subscription Fee
Rs. 6000.00
Goods & Service Tax 18
Rs. 2880.00
Rs. 18,880.00

KTM office

Kerala Travel Mart Society
63/456, Elamkulam Road,
(Kaloor Kadavanthara Road),
Cochin - 682 017
(+ 91) -484 2203156/4028338/3511379
(+ 91) - 9744720077
(+ 91) - 484 2203156

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